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17 October 2011
UPDATES!!! 12:26 PM

Havent been updating my blog since quite long! HAHAHA! Anyways have been lazy + busy to update my blog! HAHAHA! Anyways ta-daaaa, some photo updates of what i have been doing for the past few weeks! HAHAHA! Quite happy cause finally got my D700!!! (: And also got a freelance photography assignments too! (: I hope can slowly start my "career" and i must slowly learn photoshop which i am trying to learn bit by bit now! HAHAHA! Anyway work has been the same, not much changes though! But definately more stressful cause need to guide the junior nurses! Well, i think over the years, the batch of nurses coming in have different mindset and attitude so...shall not elaborate much! HAHAHA! Another happy thing is pay increment in octoberrrr!! HAHAHAH! Cant wait for 25th to comeee! Shall blog soonnnnn!!!